Thermal Economizer Cooling Air Turnover Unit
Powrmatic Thermal Economizer Cooling Air Turnover Unit (ATU’s) can be manufactured with DX or Chilled Water coils. Our ATU cooling units utilize high-performance propeller fans and high-efficiency motors. This low horsepower, high volume constant of airflow gives us HUGE benefits. When compared to conventional air conditioning equipment the Thermal economizer ATU’s use at least 50 % less fan horsepower.
This means big operational and installation cost reductions. Since the cooling air turnover units are manufactured to sizes that can exceed 200 tons of cooling per unit, this means less equipment per space. In many cases, there could be an 8 to 1 difference in the number of units. Also, our ATU’S are mounted on the floor level. No added costs to support roof weight. Lowest possible operation costs, less equipment, even temperatures and fewer installation costs!