Manufacturing Facility Heating & Cooling

Vickburg, MS Heating & Cooling Project

Powrmatic were selected to be brought onto this project to provide an alternative design to help satisfy the design needs of this manufacturing facility and help acquire the project. The goals of this heating & cooling manufacturing facility project were to meet the design criteria, satisfy the end-users expectations of even temperatures, lower the installation price and reduce the energy usage.

  • LocationVicksburg, MS
  • Size268,800 SQ.FT
  • Installed 7 Thermal Economizer

“Due to the extra costs associated with the installation of the 34 package units (electrical, controls, gas piping, concrete cutting, etc.), the Powrmatic ATU’s installed price was less than the package units installed price. The Powrmatic ATU’s will provide a yearly savings of $117,818. Every 10 years of operation will save this company $1,178,180.”

Bob Ramsey, VP Sales - Powrmatic

Project Background

The facility has a 32,000 CFM demand of process exhaust. The outside air needs to be introduced into the facility while maintaining even temperatures of 60°f in the winter months and 80°f in the summer months. Also, the roof cannot support any weight so all equipment must be ground mounted.

Project Solution

At first glance, the seven Powrmatic ATU’s cost about $ 50,000 more than the 34 package units but after a review of other associated cost, the ATU’s will have the lowest installed price. The package units require more amps at more locations. There is also more natural gas piping and more control costs. The package units also require two building penetrations per unit, ducted work, and supply and return grills. Since the walls are concrete, the 68 openings (3’ x 4’) for the supply and return air will all have to be saw cut.

Project Result

Due to the extra costs associated with the installation of the 34 package units (electrical, controls, gas piping, concrete cutting, etc.), the Powrmatic ATU’s installed price was less than the package units installed price. The Powrmatic ATU’s will provide a yearly savings of $117,818. Every 10 years of operation will save this company $1,178,180.

How does this compare to the competition?

The Competition
The Savings
27 Less units
27 Less points of electrical, controls, maintenence connnections, etc. 32 Less gas connections and no roof penetration
Brake Horsepower
128.72 BHP reduction
Total Electrical Cost Per Year
$98,962 Electrical Saving
Heating Savings (at $8.00 Per MCF)
$18,856 Heating Saving
Energy (Overall yearly energy cost)
$117,818 Yearly Energy Saving

The project in numbers

SQ.FT Building
Thermal Economizer 51HC ATU
CFM Outside Air
Total Tons of DX Cooling

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